Sports Physicals: What to Expect

Back-to-school physical exams help ensure that children are healthy as they begin the new school year. Most schools require physicals to participate in sports activities in order to evaluate the child’s general health, current fitness level, risk of injury and physical well-being.

Snoqualmie Ridge Medical Clinic offers sports physicals for students of all ages.

“Physical exams give pediatricians a chance to give children a thorough exam to determine if there are any conditions that could place the child at undue risk if they want to participate in sports,” Dr. Ronald Spiegel, Pediatrician with Snoqualmie Ridge Medical Clinic, said.

Students who wish to participate in school sports will need to bring in their school’s sports physical form for the provider to fill out.

Here is what to expect during an exam:

Medical history

The physician will ask about:

  • Child’s medical and injury history that may be of concern, especially heart issues or past concussions.
  • Family history which may determine the heredity potential
  • Asthma or allergies
  • Medications the child takes regularly or intermittently
  • Current physical activities to consider risks and readiness
  • For children in middle and high school, the pediatrician will spend time alone with the teen in order to discuss things like drinking, smoking, drugs, sexual activity and depression
Medical exam

The exam includes:

  • Height and weight measurements
  • Comparison of past measurements to ensure child is growing at a healthy rate
  • Blood pressure check
  • Head-to-toe exam
  • Administering any missed vaccinations or boosters

If parents want their child to have access to certain medications while at school, the provider will need to sign the medicine clearance form from the school. This generally can be signed within one day. However, if the patient has not been seen for some time, the provider may require a clinic visit to update health information and review the need for the medicine.

Call 425-831-2313 for an appointment, or schedule online at your convenience.