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Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an Appointment

New Patients

New patients may schedule appointments online with family medicine and certain specialty providers, or through our call center at (425) 831-2313.

Returning Patients

It’s easy to make an appointment at one of our primary or specialty care clinics or for a service at the hospital. Go online, or call (425) 831-2313.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.​

Get information about the Emergency Department at Snoqualmie Valley Health.

To arrange an appointment with another department, kindly utilize the provided contact details.

Diagnostic Imaging: 425-831-2370

Gastroenterology: 425-831-3537

Lab: 425-831-2313

Podiatry: 425-831-2313

Rehabilitation: 425-831-3572

Swing Bed Referrals & Tours: 425-831-3582 or 425-831-2398

Wound Care: 425-831-2313